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Month: January 2021

‘And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks’: Our Culture War Heats Up

Citizens outraged at the scale of the election fraud in the 2020 election stormed the Capital, leading to the death of a veteran who served four tours, and who was not brandishing a weapon at the time she was shot. We are deeply enmeshed in a cold civil war that is turning hot, and Shakespeare as usual has already been there. At this time in our history it makes sense to review his most famous wartime speech, from Henry V, when the king addresses his troops to rally them prior …

‘And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks’: Our Culture War Heats Up Read More »

‘None can be call’d deform’d but the unkind.’: Twelfth Night and an Act of Kindness in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has a lot of deer. and Gil Lancour saw one that was slipping on the rice in a frozen-over reservoir used for growing cranberries west of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Lancour, who works for Elm Lake Cranberry Co., pulled over, ventured onto the ice, and began pushing the deer across the ice to safety. A video of the event went viral. Shakespeare took a close look at the issue of human kindness in Twelfth Night, where he went to great lengths to create a scene that highlights an act of …

‘None can be call’d deform’d but the unkind.’: Twelfth Night and an Act of Kindness in Wisconsin Read More »

‘What need you five and twenty, ten, or five?’ King Lear and the Vaccine Distribution

The science is settled: In allocating the vaccine, the most efficient way to reduce the spread of the global virus is to give it first to the elderly. Ah, but there’s a problem: Our major medical institutions, the CDC and the AMA, don’t like listening to the elderly. Moreover, the elderly, through no fault of their own, skew white. Due to an accident of history and demographics, the recent wave of multi-racial immigration has not (yet) reached that age cohort. And so even the CDC (until a wave of outraged …

‘What need you five and twenty, ten, or five?’ King Lear and the Vaccine Distribution Read More »