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About Me

A Bard’s Eye View is here to offer you a regular, digestible dose of Shakespeare’s writing by contrasting scenes in his plays to events in the news. We make Shakespeare more present in your life, and we make the present-day world more Shakespearean.

The bard has had a lot to say to each era and century, and often seems to be speaking to us as though he is observing the ongoing scene right by our side. If you spend some time looking at the world in the way Shakespeare sees it, it becomes a much richer place.

I’m a lifelong Shakespeare buff and in my day job I am an editor and writer for online publications. I’m also the writer of eight e-books in the Two-Hour Tours of Shakespeare series (with more to come). Please take a look at the series’ titles in the column of linked book covers to the right. They are also available in print editions. Sales support my work on this blog. And thanks for visiting.