‘Hath not a conservative eyes?” The Left’s Refusal to Acknowledge the Humanity of the Right

This one was easy. Here’s Shylock’s famous “Hath not a Jew eyes?” speech, rewritten to contrast not Jews and Christians (actually, Shakespeare was specifically criticizing Venetian society and its interpretation of Christianity), but to contrast conservatives and leftists. Shylock in saying “he” is referring to Antonio, who is the actual Merchant of Venice (Shylock is a moneylender), and all of his complaints against Antonio were amply demonstrated in the play. We will substitute for Antonio the vanishing Biden and his invisible cabal. Enjoy: Shylock: “He hath disgraced me,… scorned my nation, …

‘Hath not a conservative eyes?” The Left’s Refusal to Acknowledge the Humanity of the Right Read More »